15 Minute Ceremony Chat
Book a free 15 minute appointment with Chelsea, our Director. During the appointment she will answer any questions you have about ceremony, as well as address any concerns or fears that may be coming up.
Ceremony Details
-Each ceremony consists of two group preparation calls and two integration calls, both on zoom. We also gift a preparation and integration workbook to each congregant in order to support the mind and psyche before entering into ceremony space.
-Retreats last 4 days Thursday-Sunday.
-Retreat costs are between $1000-$1200 to stay in a room with payment plans available. We also have camping options at $800 with payment plans available.
-We gift 1 full scholarship and 1 partial scholarship (paying $400) each ceremonial retreat. Please email Chelsea at chelsea@hyphahumboldtcommunity.org to apply.
-You will need to be medically cleared by our staff before participation in ceremony.
-There are usually 8-10 participants in ceremony with 1 ceremonialist and 2-3 facilitators.
Ceremonies consist of:
-1 Sauna/cold plunge & ceremonial fire experience
-1 plant walk through the woods with a local Elder
-Dinner on Friday
-Breakfast and a light lunch on Saturday
-Ritual honoring Solstice, Equinox or Maypole
-Fasting for dinner the evening of ceremony
-Fruit and snacks for after ceremony
-Breakfast on Sunday morning
You will have opportunities to schedule massages and ritual tatu with our team.
-Ceremonial Medicine. We use the sacrament Golden Teacher at our ceremony. The medicine is grown locally using all organic matter. You can take the medicine as a tea or whole. Our ceremonialist uses a technique from Theta healing to ask your body how much medicine it wants to imbibe. We offer boosters mid ceremony and do not work with amounts higher than 5g.
-Ceremony. Sarah is an experienced ceremonialist who uses drumming, altar building, grief alchemy practices and deep space holding for those who sit in ceremony with her. Ceremony usually starts around 5pm and lasts until 12pm.
-Sharimony: A sharing ceremony the morning after ceremony, lead by Sarah.
Ceremonial Microdoses in honey, capsule or chocolate form will be available by donation. Each is made and blessed by our ceremonial medicine makers to support your integration process.
Request Information about Ceremony
If you’d like more information on ceremony, please reach out to us directly.